Sunday, November 12, 2023


I do not believe in fate. I believe that the idea of fate makes a mockery of those who worked earnestly and hard to accomplish something. But sometimes, there are instances in our lives - sudden surreal moments - that makes us wonder if fate truly exists. It wants to make you believe that those who do not heed the signs always fall victim to fate.

This is a true story.

I do not like outings and excursions. I am a misanthrope who enjoys the company of myself and the agony of others. But I joined this "company event" because of one precious secret - I wanted to see her. Even misfits fall in love. Being well aware of my character flaws, I decided not to woo her, and admire love as a secret - a flower is at its most beautiful when left untouched by man. But if chance arises, I will seize the moment and do my best to capture her heart.

But in this world a broken man is not a lovable man. A wise person knows when love is unrequited - never given a chance, never appreciated, never looked my way. I had faith that one day she will let me into her life. Or so I believed.  

Then it happened. One night the white of my eyes turned blood red. It was an eye infection. A nasty one. And it was days before the excursion. In the end, I was left behind.

Three weeks off from work means deducted salary. Couldn't enjoy movies. The medication. Missed deadlines. Missed opportunities. Missed her. Missed every moment that I could have been with her... But it was this feeling of lost and regret that was keeping me uneasy. This chill down my spine as if my soul was taken away from me. It was a surreal moment.

Months later the inevitable came. I knew that one day he will come, the man who shall have her heart. No matter how much you prepare, your heart will never be ready for that moment. The heartache was unbearable. It was death, almost, certainly... And I, the broken man, was finally shattered. Into a thousand shards, and quietly into dust. 

It must have been fate. The day of the excursion is the day when they finally felt the love for each other. Some say it was intimate. Some say that it was their sweetest kiss ever. And those days of my longing were the moments of their happiness - The moment in which my soul was taken away from me.

And it was a surreal moment. As if my eyes were there when it happened. They turned blood red because of what I could have seen that day, but I did not, for I was spared. It was symbolic. The thought of it was scary and blood curling. As if it was a curse. It was as if fate was telling me that I should not bear witness to my own demise. It was as if fate was telling me to spend the days away from despair and agony, and I was spared.

Coincidence? Maybe. But it was just too surreal. Was fate protecting me from the inevitable? Was fate keeping me in the dark so that the truth will not blind me? Or was fate playing a dark game over me? Or maybe I just want to make sense of all of these. The heartache and the sorrow. I want to blame someone, or something. I am a rational man, but also very emotional. How do I make sense of all these things?

No matter, in the end it was painful. In the end it was cruel.    

This could not be fate. I refuse to acknowledge that this is fate. It must be my inability to grab hold of things that are precious to me. My inaction caused the inevitable. But the coincidence was just too much. It was a cruel, cruel joke - As if I shed tears of blood the moment I lost my love.

Finally I confessed. She already knew. I really never had a chance. It is now our little secret and no one else will ever know. As if my love for her never even existed at all. Never having existed at all is a far worse fate than death itself - it was dead before it was even born.

I refuse to believe in fate. It makes a mockery of those who are powerless to make a difference, much to our demise. But sometimes, these instances - these sudden surreal moments - make me wonder how much control we have over our destiny. It wants to make us believe that those who do not heed the signs will always fall victim to fate. Just like how I have fallen victim into mine...

Can't believe it's real? Can't believe it too. It's Subconjunctival Hemorrhage, secondary to bacterial infection. 

I just want to add that when I was writing this story, electricity suddenly went out. Weird.  I thought, I don't want to be defeated by fate again, so I started writing this by pen and paper. When I was almost done with the first paragraph, electricity went back on.

Maybe fate is trying to tell me something again...


Sunday, November 5, 2023




When you're lost into the night,

Don't forget to seek the light,

When you find us out of sight,

Don't despair, we are alright

Since the night of New Year's Eve,

A sense of dread would never leave,

No matter how much, how much we grieve,

A loved one's life we can't retrieve

Wish we all a better part,

Cherish them right from the start,

Though we are a world apart,

Will always be within our hearts

So when you're lost into the night,

We pray the angels give you sight,

Do not forget to seek the light,

Don't despair, we are all alright...

Fate, bad luck, God's wrath, you name it - having anymore misfortune while remembering the dead is a real bummer. 

Two days before the day of the dead, I saw the girl I like in the arms of another man.
Were they dating? Was he courting? Doesn't matter. The feeling is all too familiar.
Butterflies inside the stomach.

A day before the day of the dead, I was in trouble with the authorities. I manned up, owned my mistakes, but I felt I was done nasty by the law - had to cough up cash in a time when I needed them most. It felt unfair. It was a doozy, my head was spinning and I was shrinking inside like a blackhole.
More butterflies in the stomach. 

One more misfortune and I would be down on my knees cursing the heavens...

Then came the day of remembering the departed. I needed a catharsis to express my emotions or I'd go insane. It was then that the thought came to me -

If my Dad (who's been dead for almost a year) hears all of my troubles, he'd be (a little bit) worried. And that... the mere thought of it is making me really upset... 

And that is when I made this poem. In spite the misfortunes, I want my father to rest in peace in the afterlife. I wanted to tell my father "No worries, I am okay in the living world".

When I visited my father's grave, I had already completed the poem, and dedicated it to my father, to Dad, wherever he is. And as long as I keep him in my memories, no matter how painful the living world could be, I will always keep on telling him that all is well here. And that we will always be alright...


Monday, October 23, 2023

I'm back! I'm back?

I'm Back.

I never thought I'd be back right here. Ever! So, how do we start... all over again? So many things that had happened, so many stories that should have written...

There are events in our lives that we can not control. Some events we wish we could simply forget, and some events we wish we knew if it was on a whim, or if it was fated to happen, but none the less, all are quiet the stories to tell.

So perhaps this unguided, unexpected return would provoke us to write more stories? Maybe. But was this on a whim? or is this all fated to occur? As if the higher powers have been planning all of these all this time, just for us to come full circle back to were we left?

 We will never know, unless we begin to write something again...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gundams Galore! Still, Life Sucks...

  How many years has it been since my last showcase of gundams? Well, nobody knows if I don't even know it, but wham! I'm back with a whole lot of newcomers right straight from the collection drawer. Honestly, I'd rather post about the latest buzz about my stupid life (like the death of my beloved C905, swimming at Lobo, Batangas, or when i finally got a decent job...) but then again who's interested? ;-P Let's talk about gundams instead...

  Remember my last post, the Strike Freedom Gundam I got just recently? I kinda like to spice its color up a bit so I decided to "destroy" the model by painting it, just like this:
   Don't mind the lousy paint job on the rifles, I'm just too stupid to paint blue... Anyway, as you can see behind the Strike Freedom are two new additions to my collection: No grade Destiny Gundam and Freedom Gundam. i never bothered taking pictures since its difficult to remove them from their perfect (stable) positions.
   But then again I was also able to grab this model - ta dah!:

   Oh... Just don't mind the background, I just placed it wherever I could and took a picture. But that's not the point - the point here is this Gundam! Look at how gorgeous this model is! It's Amuro Ray's Hi Nu Gundam - The upgraded version of the Nu Gundam! This Master Grade Hi Nu Gundam also comes with its own stand. Perfect! It will take me some time before i "destroy" this one as well.

   And last but not the least, this one is one of my favorites from 00 Gundam:

   This No Grade Gundam Exia (which I regret purchasing coz' I could have had the Master Grade version but then again I was too anxious to get one yet I don't really mind coz' I pretty much LOVE painting this model) is one awesome model to hold and behold. Its so gorgeous especially now that I've "destroyed" it by making it a little bit shiny. I haven't drawn the panel lines yet (inking the curves and details of the model) and I bet it would look even more awesome with the panel lines complete.

   Well, there goes my bundle of joy... and oh, let me show you how I "destroyed" My other models:

My favorite model and recently my most treasure possession, plus the fact that my paint job here is not too shabby...

   The old Blue Astray comes with its titanium coat...

I couldn't afford the Gundam Unicorn Titanium Finish Version, so I finished mine with Bright Silver... 

And of course, my oldest 1/100 Model deserve its own treatment, so i revamped a nice Metallic black and Dark Grey, as well as Gold instead of yellow. Nice Retouch!

    Well, as of now all I could afford are teasers. Soon I will be opening up an extension of this blog page dedicated on Gunplas. A lot of things happened and all I could talk about are gundams... Life sure sucks, huh? ;)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's New

It's been so long since my last post (except Frankenstein), I believe it was a year ago. But now I'm back to the cyber-world (ha!ha!), and yet I've got nothing to offer you but this:
What can I do?! I'm still under poverty since my last loot, so that's all I could afford all these long months...
Even so, I still got a lot of things to tell you all, so.... see y'all soon......... ^_^

Monday, July 4, 2011

It's alive..... It's alive!!.... It's alive!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Maalaala Mo Kaya

I found something very hilarious. Maybe its from one of my nephews. Introducing Sam and Susi...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Giant Mosquito!

People say that its nice to be in the province (or countryside, or country, whatever...) because of the good environment - nice clean air, non-polluted waters, wide prairies, and large animals... Yes, large animals - dogs, snakes, cats, goats, even flies and mosquitoes...

Ang sarap sa probinsya. Kaso nakakatakot talaga ang lamok dito. Anlalake! Palibhasa masarap ang environment, kaya pati peste nage-enjoy. Judging by its color and features... u-oh...

And Merry Christmas to all of us! I know its a bit late, and I wasn't able to give you a decent Xmas blog - but that's because I'm on vacation, of course... ^_^
Have a blessed holiday anyway. And be careful of Bloodsuckers! Including this one:

PS: Don't expect glitters with this one!

Monday, December 21, 2009

December Class Resort! Overnight Galore!

Well, hmm... How should I give this new blog a good introduction? hmm.....
Oh, here's a good one -

My former college classmates (BS Class 2009) thought of having a good last 'outing' trip before the year ends, and since we were thinking about a typical Filipino out o' control 'outing' trip, it should include all of the following:

- A swimming pool. With luke warm water, probably like a hot spring. And probably something that could drown us. he he he.
- Booze. Hard liquor for the big boys (I'm not a big boy, and I am alcohol intolerant, so light beer will do good for me).
- Karaoke/Videoke. Something that we can exert all of our energies, especially when all of us get drunk. It's a necessity, just like a restroom or comfort room, or lavatory or something...
- Food. Who would survive without it? It includes coffee and noodles for a morning wake-up snack.

And when all of the above mentioned necessities converge into Goldilocks Alignment, what happens is an exponential increase in the level of mayhem, and that mayhem happened just yesterday. And of course there is no better way of showing you all of these non-sense than using pictures. No edition, no rendition - purely out of the memory card. HOT! HOT HOT! (well, and of course, you'll see a lot of blur-outs and red eyes, but HEY, pictures are better than nothing!):

I know! I know! Food's not ready yet! Don't Growl at me! ^_^ The Wolves are cooking!

Booze - your party is never a party without one...

Its just like another day in the spa, right? Wrong....

The Girls of the Party! I mean it!

They surely love portraits...

You can clearly see that he is singing a love song...

And this one ROCKS!

Beware of the Manny Pacquiao Syndrome.
Symptoms: doing some boxing poses and Pac-man impersonations.
Prevention: avoid people with such symptoms,
specially those who wear no shirts and jersey shorts

What did I tell you about the Manny Pacquaio Syndrome?
It gets worse...

...And worse...and worse... One on the left is actually on its terminal case...

But Wait! There's the pool! Any kind of stress, from work stress to heavy alcoholism, or pure insanity, there's always a pool where you can wash your worries away...

And of course, the aftermath of all these non-sense is all compressed to one single expression:

"Post coitum omne animal triste est"

The body tends to become weaker and weaker as an aftermath of the disease called...Fun...

And still, there are some weird photos of conspiracies and scandals. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY, but well, except when you want to keep it in your brains (but it's kinda awkward though...).

Here is an exclusive photo of the elusive scientific mystery - The existence of MIBs, aka Men in Black...

And an exclusive photo of two drunk men imitating what seems to be two cowboys sharing the pleasures and pains of life (Patawad mga pre, di naman kita mukha nyo eh, hehehe ^_^).

Well, what can I say now that it's over? Well, the truth is, things like these never come to an end. I believe that sooner or later "this" will happen again. ^_^ But as of this moment, let it stay as a good overnight memory, and this memory will remain in our hearts...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Beware of BPO Companies

I just quit from a BPO industry. Actually, basta nalang ako nag AWOL. Di ko na kaya policies nila, and it will be my deepest pleasure if they will terminate me immediately.

Here are some of the outrageous differences from an old-school (semicon is my example) industry versus a BPO (call center) industry:

1. Sa old-school(semicon ako dati), kapag umabsent ka, absent ka. Di kailangang mag OT no pay ang mga teammates mo. Sa BPO, kapag umabsent ka, may consequence sa mga teammates mo (like OT NO Pay for each team member), at magagalit pa sila sayo, at mumurahin ka pa behind your back (things like "mamatay ka na lang" or "wag ka nang babalik"). Naranasan ko yung emotional blackmail ng team leader ko:
"Tatay ko (who was hospitalized) or teammates ko (who rendered 30 minute No Pay OT for 3 consecutive days, Haha para naman matuto kayo ng humility!)".

2. Sa old-school, kapag late ka, bawas sa sweldo mo yun at syempre may consequence sa performance mo. Sa BPO, kapag late ka, bawas sa sweldo mo, kailangan mo pang bawiin ang late mo, may immediate sanction ka pa, at may consequence pa sa compliance mo, at sa groupmates mo. Shit.

3. Sa old-school, ang kasama ko mga mature na tao, mga matatanda (30 to 40 years old, but even people of lower age display elderly and respectful manners), mga tunay na professionals, at kagalang-galang. Sa BPO, mga kabataan na tumagal lang ng 7 years, professionalism na ang religion nila, pero ni hindi nga nya maramdaman na magreresign na empleyado nya, magaling na nga performance mo bulok ka pa rin, at sya pa rin ang magaling. Nakakainis, Power Tripper talaga...

4. Sa old school, performance mo, performance mo lang. Kung bulok ka, malalaman nila, at mag-isa ka lang dapat mabulok. Sa BPO kapag bulok ang isa, bulok lahat. I know its team work, pero feeling ko mas lalong bubulok ang bulok kapag pinagkakaisahan na sya. Hindi lahat ng tao, mabilis matuto. Para sakin, magalit ka lang sa tanga kapag may namamatay na sa kabilang linya, nakatanga ka pa rin. Palibhasa kasi, performance ng isa, performance ng lahat. It's either galingan sa pagtuturo, o i-counseling nyo na lang. Kung ako, sasabihin ko sa kanya mag-resign na lang sya at maghanap ng ibang trabaho.

5. Sa old-school maraming manginginom, sunog-baga, mabisyo, babaero, etc, etc... Sa BPO, mas maraming manginginom, sunog-baga, mabisyo, babaero, lalakero, etc, etc at a worse condition, at mga talubata (kabataan, para sa mga non-old age speakers) pa. Sa old-school kasi mga tunay na mature ang mga tao. Kung may bisyo man, magyosi man let's say, dun sa di kita ng tao, o kaya sa malayong lugar. Kung maginuman man, walang anunsyo sa lobby na akala mo naghahanap ng away, at sa bahay-bahay lang, either videoke o kaya Playstation, or swimming kung may holidays. Sa BPO, papasok ka pa lang sa lobby amoy usok ka na. Paglabas mo sa umaga, sa halip na morning dew malanghap mo, usok at bad breath. Kapag tiningnan mo sa malayo akala mo nga may sunog sa lobby ng building eh. Pagdating sa inuman, syempre tuwing umaga yan. Parang aswang, ang nightlife nila umaga. Ok lang naman ang Starbucks, sino ba namang may ayaw ng mahal nilang kape, pero kailangan mo bang i-anunsyo sa lahat ng tao, three times na pupunta ka ng Starbucks? Maa-appreciate pa namin kung sasabihin mong marami kang pera...

6. Sa old-school, kung naiihi ka, umihi ka. Kung natatae ka tumae ka. Wag kang magkakalat sa cleanroom o kaya sa operating room. Sa BPO, pagalingan sa pagcontrol - talo ka kung BIOMAN ka (y'know, Bio breaks). Or better yet, seryosohin mo ang running jokes nila - arinola o kaya catheter.

7. Sa old-school, ang company mo may client, client mo may customer, pero wala kang interaction sa customer ng client mo. Ang poproblemahin mo lang, yung kumpanya mo. Sa BPO ganun din naman - company has clients, clients has customer. Kaso ang agent tatlo ang kalaban - yung BPO company, yung client ng company, pati yung customer. Kahit confident ka na masosolve mo problema ni customer, hahanapin ni customer american agent parin, wala bang balls ang mga clients na yan na harapin ang customer nila? Takot sa irate customers?. Sa bagay, Filipinos offer cheaper work force, but it shouldn't mean that we are cheaper than those Westerners.

8. Sa old-school, may kooperatiba - nagkakapera ka na, nakakatulong ka pa. Sa BPO, ang alam ko wala - ano bang alam ng mga talubata sa mga ganung bagay? Credit card lang ata ang alam nila.

9. Sa old-school ang party wholesome, mas lalo na kapag xmas party - may comedians, family-valued entertainments, celebrities (with real entertaining talents ha) - as in for a fun-filled family day talaga. Ang venue, kung hindi malaking parking lot (kapag medyo mahina ang ekonomiya), sa araneta coliseum, sa cuneta astrodome, etc, etc. Sa BPO, ewan. Isipin mo na lang kung anong uri ng party ang nasa isip ng mga kabataan ngayon. Tsaka syempre sa gabi yun. Tsaka yung attendance mo inuungkat pa, akala mo gumawa ka ng kasalanan kung di ka sisipot.

10. Sa old-school, wala kang e-mail, wala kang instant messenger, wala kang sariling computer, (well, based on my experience ha), pero masarap ang usapan at kwentuhan. Marami kang natututunan through verbal communication - stories about love and life, work and play - mararamdaman mo ang buhay mo. Sa BPO, puro heads-up and messages, pero di naman nakakaheads up (mapapailing ka lang). E-mail address mo napupuno pero data laman, IM mo bigla na lang bumubukas mas lalo na kapag may calls ka. Peste sa trabaho, istorbo pa.

11. Sa old-school, kapag may problema ka sa isang tao, ramdam yan ng iba kaya napaguusapan. Sa BPO, pwede mong murahin yung customer through mute button, pero yung katabi mo tinatamaan, haha! Customer service kuno, plastikan ang labanan. I have some sort of rubik's complex (and martyr complex as well), kaya di ko minumura customer, kahit gaano pa sya katanga - I just wanna solve the problem. Kaso yung ibang mga agents, ginagawang stress reliever ang pagmumura sa customer plus mute button. Haay.....

I'm not bragging, but with all honesty, my last stats show an average handling time (AHT) of 5 minutes and QA is 96%. They said it was good for a newbie, and they say "Good Job" which comes out of the nose (shit, mas gusto ko wag na lang kayong magsalita). Pero nakukunsensya ako (kahit papaano) na basta na lang akong nawala, which rendered a lot of OTYs (Overtime thank you!) from them. Well, uunahin ko pa ba sila sa tatay ko na isinugod sa ospital? No way, man....

Kung ang mensahe kong ito ay napaka unprofessional para sa iba, sasabihin ko sa kanila na "SA INYO NA PROFESSIONALISM NYO, ULOL!" Para sa akin, character parin ang mahalaga. Di bale nang magutom ako, atleast napanatili ko pagkatao ko. Sabihan mo na akong impraktikal at tanga, sabihin ko sa yo "dakila naman", at hinding hindi na ako papadala sa tamis ng pangako ng call center jobs.

Syempre di ko naman nilalahat, pero kitang-kita naman - dahil sa nagbabago na ang panahon, at sa panahon ng kahirapan tulad ngayon, pera-pera nalang ang labanan, nawawala na ang prinsipyo ng Dangal sa Paggawa. Basta may trabaho, lunok na lang ng lunok ng bato. Hindi lahat nagiging Darna, kaya tigilan nyo na ang pag-aasam ng madaliang hiring.

Professionalism is my enemy, I do not believe in its principles. Or maybe I just have a different view on what professionalism is all about. Maraming tao sa mundo ang janitor lang, noodle vendor lang, katulong lang, pero nandun ang puso nila.

To be able to have your heart in your work, that's what's important. When you are in a state where you love your work, you don't have to be professional. That is why even though there are people who have blue-collar jobs (or what others call a dirty job), they are perfectly happy.

I found this exerpt from Skye Thomas' website:

"The salesman has replaced his real authentic personality with a fake personality. That is professionalism, a fake personality displayed at work. Professionalism is that happy happy joy joy smiley face that people often feel forced to maintain. No matter what is happening in your real life, you are to behave as if you are a perfectly happy robot at work. I hate professionalism. It alienates people from each other. It makes the world a colder uglier place. As a consumer, all things equal, I would give my business to someone w
ho is authentically grumpy instead of someone who is pretending to be super nice"

Sana marealize ng mga tao, mas lalo na ng mga kabataan, na hindi talaga maganda yung sakay lang ng sakay sa kung ano ang uso at kung anong madali. Nag-apply ako sa call center industry, kasi gusto kong masaksihan ang katotohanan sa likod ng usapan tungkol sa pangako ng magandang buhay ng pagtatrabaho sa isang call center agency. Professionalism kono, di naman pala masaya.

Para dun sa mga nagtatrabaho sa mga BPO companies na hindi sumasangayon sa kin, well congrats. Nawa'y masaya kayo sa buhay nyo. Dun sa mga kagaya ko ang experience - Haay..... Alamin na lang natin sa sarili natin yung tunay na gustong maging tabaho ng puso natin at tuparin ang tunay nating mga pangarap...

PS: I wonder how high their attrition rate is... probably I'm the 7th one to leave the company...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gundams Galore! Life Sucks!

Yeah... Life is lonely, specially when you're a sucker - like me. But hey, it ain't that bad as long as you've got something to keep you smiling ^_^. Well, as of me I'm starting off with a new collection of gundams - just like what I did years before. But this time, it's a lot bigger.

Well, I'm not a newbie when it comes to collecting gundam models (toys for non-nerd lovers out there), but one would say that I'm not a pro either. I just want to have a collection of something.

Enough bla-blahs already. I have pictures to walk the walk ^_^ (Well, it's not the best collection in the world to brag about but hey, at least I've got something):

Recently, there were just three of' em. And Now there's five:

Introducing one of the new members of my collection; High Grade Gundam Astray Blue Frame Second Revision (Clear Color Version):

And one of my favorite gundams in the Gundam Universe; High Grade Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom:

And close-ups of my old toys, ha ha...

Kinda messed up painting this one... Such a shame because Gundam Wing is my favorite...

And of course my most favorite gundam, Master Grade Wing Gundam Zero Custom:

Well, what can I further say.... Keeping these toys (cough, cough...) really makes me relaxed and it gives me a bit of purpose in life. Soon I'm going to add up more and more models, and make a separate web site for my models. Wish me luck! (Life really sucks...)

Oh, and something for the boys, ha ha!!!

That was Yoko Littner of Gurren Lagann. ^_^ Have a nice day!!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Update: New Skin, New Twilight Movie...Oh...

Well, nothing to say really.... Just dropped by to give this haven a new layout (just like my Friendster's)...
Update: I found a new layout in Google, and kinda left the old blue stones layout that I had before.

And by the way - the new Twilight Movie is comin' (New Moon - 2009). You might as well have a look at this pre-release photo:

Blade: "Keep your (girl)friend close... Keep your enemies... Closer..."
Supra: "Sige na! Saktan na yang pa-cute na yan! DIE EDWARD! DIE!!!"

I'd never appreciate the idea that famished anaemics are handsome... ^_^
Oh, and just in case - I don't own this picture, so please don't sue me...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Call Center Job Career

I recently have no job (and not planning to have a serious one yet), but I need(want) to buy a lot of things...

The quickest solution that came to my head is to apply on a call center company. Jobstreet provided the application and 4 days later I received a call from a glamorous call center corporation - I was given a schedule for an initial interview.

Before the interview, my illogical half-brain (preferably the right hemisphere of the brain) was talking about imitating Dr. House's charismatic way of talking. And so I did... Wow, it really feels good to speak like Dr. House...
Well, it turned out to be a very bad idea;

Here is the actual congratulatory letter the company gave me for a job well done.
The shame, the agony, and the pain - they're attacking my brain - but "it's not lupus. It's never lupus." ' ^_^

House sampler, anyone? The last part could probably explain my interview fiasco...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Katrina Halili Video, Michael Jackson, Slumdog Millionaire. Et Cetera...

It's been a week since graduation day (and ofcourse, the Busted Day) and still I'm in my personal dilemma (Dilemma, by the way, is a word that means 'I can't see a thing' ^_^). No work, no money, and not even attending any review workshops whatsoever. It is complete emptiness....

I just feel so empty that I actually want to puke....

Ergo, (because of the aforementioned reason and the infinite free time i have today, except when I feel really sleeepy, that's when I feel like time stops - literaly!) I drowned myself with tons of movies by watching HBO and Star Movies, and experienced suffocation by watching too much science stuff with NatGeo, History and Discovery Channel, commited suicide with AXN with shows like House M.D., CSI, and Video Zonkers, even finding some of my favorite anime on local channels like Studio 23 and TV 5.

So what happened?
I saw rare movies like Silence of the Lambs, School for Scoundrels, The Martian Child, No Country for Old Men, Love in the Time of Cholera, Perfume: Story of a Murderer, etc., etc...

And then comes another Katrina Halili Video... haha... This one is not for the faint of hearts!

Haha! It really feels good when scandals become spoofed - it kinda taught them a lesson at least (somehow ^_^').

Well, what's more is Michael Jackson's Death. Honestly i don't give a damn about the King of Pop, unlike those busy bodies who gave you this perfect mug shot of Michael:

Those crazy assholes really creep me out. I mean, they made Michael Jackson a horror movie character. Well, I know Michael Jackson's issues like the Hanging Baby and the Kissing Monkey and the child abuse, but hey, I knew from the very beginning what will happen to him - jokes and running gags will come his way. Do you remember that part in Scary Movie 3 where Micahel Jackson was portrayed as a child molester? Hollywood is a real bitch - one day you're a hero and then the next day you're zero. You'll be a hero again when you die. Bitch.... they even called him Jacko Wacko!

And now that he's dead, they pay tribute to the King of Pop. Hypocrites!!!!

Let's go to the lighter side of things. Well, I know it's kinda late about this topic, but better late than never. I was watching one of the spoofs in TV 5's Loko Moko High (Gag Show), and it was about the song JaiHo by the Pussy Cat Dolls. A bit curious, albeit reluctant I searched the web about the meaning of the song (I knew it was somewhat Indian in nature - obviously) and found out about the original JaiHo by AR Rahman which was produced for the movie Slumdog Millionnaire (Americans really love to remake things that would sell millions - like hotcakes...). Further wikipedia-ing led me to the movie - Slumdog Millionaire.

Well, they say its an Award winning movie (Academy Awards to be precise) so I watched the movie (don't ask me how)....

Hmmm..... With all honestly I really do not appreciate the movie that much. But hey, they said it was a 'Feel-Good Movie' and I did felt good afterwards (Indian Charm I guess ^_^). What really amazed me is that the movie depicted India in a realistic sense (I believe even the wealthiest countries have something to hide, like poverty, squatting, and ofcourse, the slums), eventhough the story is fictional (based in the novel Q&A by Vikas Swarup, Indian ofcourse). What also amazed me is that the movie is actually directed by Danny Boyle (co-directed by Loveleen Tandan for India), and the film is not Indian - the movie is a British Film.
The film also raised my awareness in the issues of portraying movies about other countries. To know more about the movie issues:

and for the movie of course:

I'm already tired of writing so, I guess you have to work it out yourselves. hehe...
Its already 7 AM - Oh Geez ^_^' - maybe I'll just take a little snooze... Ta-ta!!