It's been a week since graduation day (and ofcourse, the Busted Day) and still I'm in my personal dilemma (Dilemma, by the way, is a word that means 'I can't see a thing' ^_^). No work, no money, and not even attending any review workshops whatsoever. It is complete emptiness....
I just feel so empty that I actually want to puke....
Ergo, (because of the aforementioned reason and the infinite free time i have today, except when I feel really sleeepy, that's when I feel like time stops - literaly!) I drowned myself with tons of movies by watching HBO and Star Movies, and experienced suffocation by watching too much science stuff with NatGeo, History and Discovery Channel, commited suicide with AXN with shows like House M.D., CSI, and Video Zonkers, even finding some of my favorite anime on local channels like Studio 23 and TV 5.
So what happened?
I saw rare movies like Silence of the Lambs, School for Scoundrels, The Martian Child, No Country for Old Men, Love in the Time of Cholera, Perfume: Story of a Murderer, etc., etc...
And then comes another Katrina Halili Video... haha... This one is not for the faint of hearts!
Haha! It really feels good when scandals become spoofed - it kinda taught them a lesson at least (somehow ^_^').
Well, what's more is Michael Jackson's Death. Honestly i don't give a damn about the King of Pop, unlike those busy bodies who gave you this perfect mug shot of Michael:
Those crazy assholes really creep me out. I mean, they made Michael Jackson a horror movie character. Well, I know Michael Jackson's issues like the Hanging Baby and the Kissing Monkey and the child abuse, but hey, I knew from the very beginning what will happen to him - jokes and running gags will come his way. Do you remember that part in Scary Movie 3 where Micahel Jackson was portrayed as a child molester? Hollywood is a real bitch - one day you're a hero and then the next day you're zero. You'll be a hero again when you die. Bitch.... they even called him Jacko Wacko!
And now that he's dead, they pay tribute to the King of Pop. Hypocrites!!!!
Let's go to the lighter side of things. Well, I know it's kinda late about this topic, but better late than never. I was watching one of the spoofs in TV 5's Loko Moko High (Gag Show), and it was about the song JaiHo by the Pussy Cat Dolls. A bit curious, albeit reluctant I searched the web about the meaning of the song (I knew it was somewhat Indian in nature - obviously) and found out about the original JaiHo by AR Rahman which was produced for the movie Slumdog Millionnaire (Americans really love to remake things that would sell millions - like hotcakes...). Further wikipedia-ing led me to the movie - Slumdog Millionaire.
Well, they say its an Award winning movie (Academy Awards to be precise) so I watched the movie (don't ask me how)....
Hmmm..... With all honestly I really do not appreciate the movie that much. But hey, they said it was a 'Feel-Good Movie' and I did felt good afterwards (Indian Charm I guess ^_^). What really amazed me is that the movie depicted India in a realistic sense (I believe even the wealthiest countries have something to hide, like poverty, squatting, and ofcourse, the slums), eventhough the story is fictional (based in the novel Q&A by Vikas Swarup, Indian ofcourse). What also amazed me is that the movie is actually directed by Danny Boyle (co-directed by Loveleen Tandan for India), and the film is not Indian - the movie is a British Film.
The film also raised my awareness in the issues of portraying movies about other countries. To know more about the movie issues:
and for the movie of course:
I'm already tired of writing so, I guess you have to work it out yourselves. hehe...
Its already 7 AM - Oh Geez ^_^' - maybe I'll just take a little snooze... Ta-ta!!
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